In the Stay Fit and Healthy portal, students have numerous options to work through. This portal is a favorite of many of our students and has some great activities.
The Summit Family YMCA is the Portal Experience Parter for this learning portal in our library. They provided a few posters and some equipment to allow our students to begin to explore how much fun it can be to remain fit and healthy.
The books in this portal help our students focus on fitness and fun crossing several topics that our students love. Books on the Olympics, athletes and fictional sports stories are very popular in this portal.
Examples of Portal Activities:
Yoga Mat and Poster with Poses:
PEP brought in yoga posters, mat, and workout posters.
Students try out the poses and workout activities to create their own fitness routine.
Code & Go Robot Mouse:
Create a fitness path or football game with the cheese– students code the robot mouse with a set of directions so the mouse knows which direction to go.
Students can set up challenges for each other.
Students practice yoga poses and stretching in the portal.