In the Learn From the Past portal, students spend time interacting with different elements of our past. The Newnan-Coweta Historical society has provided some interesting items for the students to interact with in this portal.
In this portal, students can also interact with local history as well. Local history allows the students to see how people from our area made a difference and how they can make a difference themselves.
Books in this portal are historical in nature (both fiction and non-fiction) and are enjoyed by all the students. We also frequently host guests who spend time sharing their experiences with the students in this portal.
Examples of Learning Portal activities are:
Historical Clothing
PEP loaned a bin of clothes from the past that the kids can use for dress up
Military Battles
PEP created a display in the Launch Pad Library for students to learn about WWII
Soldiers, tanks, etc. – students use the military items and books to recreate battles or to create their own battles.
Students spend time in this portal learning about history, in this case the story of World War II.