The focus of this portal is to allow our students not only the chance to see the reasons why we need solutions in our world today but to also be a part of those solutions.
Our portal experience partner, West Georgia Technical College, has done a great job in helping us bring life to this portal in our library. Students have the chance to read books about the topics at hand while also spending time learning through hands on training. It is important that students, even in elementary school, are exposed to all types of learning and this portal does just that!
This portal is truly a mini CEC (Central Educational Center) in an elementary school library!
Examples of Portal Activities:
Sewing Machine
Two machines in the Launch Pad Library
Students are first taught to sew seams, then to make small pillows. Then, they are allowed to make other items.
The Launch Pad Library received a grant that allows the students the materials to make weighted lap pads for Autism students at the school
3-D Printer
The school owned a 3-D printer that just needed a little work to get it going. There is also a 3-D printer on loan from the school system in the Media Center.
The students use it the printer to create individual items. Once the students have mastered the skills we hope that we will be able to sell the items created.
One of our students hard at work on the sewing machine.